Dia: 23 de Agosto, 2022

Lápis azul nas redes anti-sociais [2]

Facebook Standards

O “Código Penal” do Fakebook

Esta é a reprodução do dicionário terminológico do Facebookês, a língua em uso naquela rede anti-social, tipificando onomasticamente tudo o que a casa gasta e também — principalmente — aquilo que à casa rende. “Fala” por si mesma a rigidez terminológica assim determinada, não prevendo qualquer espécie de concessão ou elasticidade, sinónimos ou alternativas.

O que se segue, em bloco de citação, contém o que a “legislação” interna estipula como sendo “Hate Speech” (“discurso de ódio”, na tradução vulgarizada). Escusado será dizer que absolutamente ninguém lê uma só linha de qualquer dos enormes manuais de “Direito” facebookiano, as suas diversas Policies, o “código de conduta” — interna, mas que é aplicada externamente –, os volumes dispersos e os escondidos, os inúmeros documentos de “orientação” e as orientações propriamente ditas, as de pé-de-orelha, tudo muito bem protegido, que de calhamaços também se fazem muros e com sussurros se rosnam ameaças.

Facebook Community Standards

Hate Speech

Do not post:

Content targeting a person or group of people (including all groups except those who are considered non-protected groups described as having carried out violent crimes or sexual offenses or representing less than half of a group) on the basis of their aforementioned protected characteristic(s) or immigration status with:

  • Violent speech or support in written or visual form
  • Dehumanizing speech or imagery in the form of comparisons, generalizations, or unqualified behavioral statements (in written or visual form) to or about:
    • Insects.
    • Animals that are culturally perceived as intellectually or physically inferior.
    • Filth, bacteria, disease and feces.
    • Sexual predator.
    • Subhumanity.
    • Violent and sexual criminals
    • Other criminals (including but not limited to “thieves,” “bank robbers,” or saying “All [protected characteristic or quasi-protected characteristic] are ‘criminals’”).
    • Statements denying existence.
  • Mocking the concept, events or victims of hate crimes even if no real person is depicted in an image.
  • Designated dehumanizing comparisons, generalizations, or behavioral statements (in written or visual form) that include:
    • Black people and apes or ape-like creatures.
    • Black people and farm equipment.
    • Caricatures of Black people in the form of blackface.
    • Jewish people and rats.
    • Jewish people running the world or controlling major institutions such as media networks, the economy or the government.
    • Denying or distorting information about the Holocaust.
    • Muslim people and pigs.
    • Muslim person and sexual relations with goats or pigs.
    • Mexican people and worm-like creatures.
    • Women as household objects or referring to women as property or “objects”.
    • Transgender or non-binary people referred to as “it”.
    • Dalits, scheduled caste or ‘lower caste’ people as menial laborers.

Content targeting a person or group of people on the basis of their protected characteristic(s) with:

  • Generalizations that state inferiority (in written or visual form) in the following ways:
    • Physical deficiencies are defined as those about:
      • Hygiene, including but not limited to: filthy, dirty, smelly.
      • Physical appearance, including but not limited to: ugly, hideous.
    • Mental deficiencies are defined as those about:
      • Intellectual capacity, including but not limited to: dumb, stupid, idiots.
      • Education, including but not limited to: illiterate, uneducated.
      • Mental health, including but not limited to: mentally ill, retarded, crazy, insane.
    • Moral deficiencies are defined as those about:
      • Character traits culturally perceived as negative, including but not limited to: coward, liar, arrogant, ignorant.
      • Derogatory terms related to sexual activity, including but not limited to: whore, slut, perverts.
  • Other statements of inferiority, which we define as:
    • Expressions about being less than adequate, including but not limited to: worthless, useless.
    • Expressions about being better/worse than another protected characteristic, including but not limited to: “I believe that males are superior to females.”
    • Expressions about deviating from the norm, including but not limited to: freaks, abnormal.
  • Expressions of contempt (in written or visual form), which we define as:
    • Self-admission to intolerance on the basis of a protected characteristics, including but not limited to: homophobic, islamophobic, racist.
    • Expressions that a protected characteristic shouldn’t exist.
    • Expressions of hate, including but not limited to: despise, hate.
  • Expressions of dismissal, including but not limited to: don´t respect, don’t like, don´t care for
  • Expressions of disgust (in written or visual form), which we define as:
    • Expressions that suggest the target causes sickness, including but not limited to: vomit, throw up.
    • Expressions of repulsion or distaste, including but not limited to: vile, disgusting, yuck.
  • Cursing, except certain gender-based cursing in a romantic break-up context, defined as:
    • Referring to the target as genitalia or anus, including but not limited to: cunt, dick, asshole.
    • Profane terms or phrases with the intent to insult, including but not limited to: fuck, bitch, motherfucker.
    • Terms or phrases calling for engagement in sexual activity, or contact with genitalia, anus, feces or urine, including but not limited to: suck my dick, kiss my ass, eat shit.

Content targeting a person or group of people on the basis of their protected characteristic(s) with any of the following:

  • Segregation in the form of calls for action, statements of intent, aspirational or conditional statements, or statements advocating or supporting segregation.
  • Exclusion in the form of calls for action, statements of intent, aspirational or conditional statements, or statements advocating or supporting, defined as
    • Explicit exclusion, which means things like expelling certain groups or saying they are not allowed.
    • Political exclusion, which means denying the right to right to political participation.
    • Economic exclusion, which means denying access to economic entitlements and limiting participation in the labour market.
    • Social exclusion, which means things like denying access to spaces (physical and online)and social services, except for gender-based exclusion in health and positive support Groups.

Content that describes or negatively targets people with slurs, where slurs are defined as words that are inherently offensive and used as insulting labels for the above characteristics.

Para que se não misturem conceitos, contaminando uns com os outros, é melhor evitar — pelo menos, para já — quaisquer analogias entre o Fakebook e aquilo que se passa no Twitter. Os princípios basilares são os mesmos, a repressão pura e simples do livre pensamento, a liquidação sumária da liberdade de opinião e expressão, mas os métodos pidescos diferem em diversos aspectos, numa rede e na outra. Atenhamo-nos, por conseguinte, àquilo que é cada vez mais (descaradamente) notório no recreio do puto Mark, esse insuportável fanfarrão, e dedicando particular atenção ao que estão por cá a fazer agentes portugueses com a sua particular maestria na arte da estupidificação em massa. Portanto, de momento, “basta-nos” o Fakebook (incluindo as demais “redes” que o dito puto já devorou, como o Instagram) e quais os métodos pidescos mais utilizados na delegação tuga da chafarica markiana.

Não misturemos também aquilo que vamos vendo e lendo, as figuras públicas (talvez) banidas pela sede de Menlo Park, California — são principalmente americanos, mas há também canadianos, franceses e ingleses, entre outros — e as controvérsias que esses episódios mediáticos geram, com o que se vai passando entre as imensas manadas de gado que pastam na paisagem, as reses pastoreadas pelos portadores da flauta ideológica.